The next provincial election is on October 19, 2024, and we’re updating the voters list to make sure British Columbians are ready to vote. Be ready for the election when it is called by registering or updating your information today. Registered voters will get a Where to Vote card from Elections BC. Bring it with you when you vote to help make voting faster and easier.
You can use this system to:
- register to vote
- request a vote-by-mail package, or
- register as a future voter.
You will need to provide your name, date of birth, address, and one of the following identification numbers:
- your B.C. driver’s licence number,
- your B.C. Identification Card number,
- the last six digits of your Social Insurance Number, or
- the last six digits of your Personal Health Number.
To request a vote-by-mail package, you will also be asked to provide a telephone number, mobile number or email address where you can be reached. Elections BC may contact you if there is additional information required to accept your vote-by-mail package.
You may be contacted:
- to confirm your identity by uploading acceptable identification before you return your package, or
- if there was an error in the information you provided on your returned package.
Service BC Customer Service Representatives:
Use this system to process voting package requests for 2018 Referendum on Electoral Reform.
Before you begin, check the voter’s name and place of residence in accordance with the Identification Requirements in your job aid.
To request a vote-by-mail package, a voter will also be asked to provide an email address or telephone number Elections BC can reach them if there is any issue with their package request.
Elections BC is mailing voting packages to registered voters from October 22, 2018 to November 2, 2018. You can view the estimated delivery dates for voting packages in your area
New voters and voters who have not received a voting package have until 11:59 p.m. PST on November 23, 2018 to request a package.
To protect your privacy, voter registration information will not be displayed. You
can view our privacy policy
Remember to close the browser window when you are finished if you are using a public
To protect voter privacy, you will not be able to look up voter registration information.
View our privacy policy.
Important information about vote-by-mail package requests:
Elections BC will begin sending vote-by-mail packages:
Out of province: August 22, 2024
In-province: September 16, 2024
If necessary, you can request an earlier delivery by emailing Elections BC at or by phoning 1-800-661-8683.
Elections BC must receive your completed vote-by-mail package no earlier than September 21 and no later than 8 p.m. (Pacific time) on Saturday, October 19, 2024. Packages that arrive early or late cannot be counted.
Ballots listing the candidates for the provincial general election will be available after candidate nominations close. If you request a vote-by-mail package on or before September 28, 2024, you will receive a write-in ballot with a blank space to write the name of a candidate or political party. If you request a vote-by-mail package after September 28, 2024, your ballot will list the candidates for your electoral district.
Making a false statement is a serious offence under the Election Act. Individuals
who provide misleading information are liable upon conviction to a fine of up to
$20,000 or imprisonment for a term of up to two years, or both.
Making a false statement or corrupt voting are serious offences under the Election Act. Individuals who provide misleading information or commit voter fraud are liable upon conviction to a fine of up to $20,000 or imprisonment for a term of up to two years, or both. You can only request and vote with your own vote-by-mail package.